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Declare climate emergency!

Join the Rebellion

We demand

  • that the Government declares a Climate and Ecological Emergency, recognising the need for rapid transformation of our economic system.
  • that the Government enacts a comprehensive, legally-binding National Emergency Plan which phases out the extraction and import of fossil fuels by 2025, and prioritises restoration of biodiversity and the preservation of our natural environment.
  • a Citizens' Assembly, equipping our regions and communities with the resources and the authority to ensure a managed transition to an equitable post-growth society.
Belgian flag with an Extinction Rebellion logo Karl Delandsheere
An activist at XR Belgium's Royal Rebellion on 12th October, 2019 Karl Delandsheere
Join the rebellion: the boat at XR Belgium's Royal Rebellion on 12th October, 2019 Karl Delandsheere

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